Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cheaters Never Prosper

So I'm having some trouble understanding something. Maybe you all can help me out. Why is it that guys these days can't seem to stick to one girl?
Over the past few semesters, I've had several guys come to me asking for dates or various other "favors" only to find out that they were already dating someone else.
At first I thought maybe I was just so hot they couldn't control themselves. But then I find out that they were also hitting on some of my friends.
Da fuq?
Guys, if you're already in a relationship with a nice, pretty girl, why are you going behind her back like that and trying to cheat with someone else?
Excuses I've heard include this one: "Well, I'm not married to her." Well honey, if you're not wanting to commit to one person, why are you even in a serious relationship? You could be perfectly happy single, just dating around without being in a relationship. Bold for emphasis.
I wonder if the guys realize how much they would be hurting their girlfriend if she found out they were talking to someone else. Then I wonder if they would even care. Then I get mad. Then that could be an entirely different discussion.
But for real, I just don't understand this. Sigh.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


In my Advanced Public Relations class, my teacher brought along a guest speaker this evening- the public affairs officer from Fort Knox!
He gave a great little presentation and then provided us with some information on the Army public affairs internship program. That information is what I was really looking to get a hold of.
My family, as far back as I care to check has been involved in the military, and lately I have been wondering if it possibly in the stars for me to follow that same route. I have been thinking that my options lie somewhere in sports or missions. But why restrict or limit myself? 
The Army internship program would be an awesome experience, and it's a paid position. Who can beat that? It's competitive to get into, but isn't everything?
Definitely up for some discussion.
Well, presentation in the a.m. Must sleep now.


Today is now Wednesday. So yesterday was Tuesday. Which means the day before was Monday. Monday! What was Monday? Speed testing!
Monday afternoon at regular practice time, our Campbellsville University football team did speed testing. All the guys were out there in their clingy spandex shorts and shirts (or no shirts), trying to be aerodynamic and move it as fast as possible. Gotta love it!
After the testing, they ran through some plays instead of simply going through the same exercise drills over and over. It was a nice change, and it definitely felt like spring! They need to get into their pads, already.
Not going to lie, I saw a lot of talent out on the field on Monday, and I'm really thinking next season is going to be our best yet. Thank goodness. I'll be a senior. Which means, it will be my last football season at Campbellsville University. :( Definitely going to want to see those W's!
Get it, boys.

"Jesus, Our Joy"

So. It is technically Wednesday at the moment, but I'm pretending it's still Tuesday.
This evening, the Campbellsville University School of Music, along with the Central Kentucky Arts Series, presented the world premiere of "Jesus, Our Joy", by Ralph Manuel.
The event was held at the Ransdell Chapel, and the composer was in the building! It was phenomenal!
The music was stirring, and the words, penned by Brazillian poet Gióia Júnior, were fresh and original.
There were also nine black people singing in the chorus. Impressive for Campbellsville. And Alpha was singing in it, lol. Major bonus. ;)

Well hello

Maybe starting this here blog? :)